Mr. Obama recently mule whipped some more White House policy across our butts.
Under the guise of improving an educational system that in his words, 'doesn't work', he is dropping the accountability measures the previous system used to ensure students who graduated actually did.
What this is really about is the White House controlling one more aspect of the States right to govern itself. Mr. Obama bypasses congress once again, and implements a new law from his chair that affects how you and I live in ours. He's effectively saying that he knows more about how to teach, and raise our children than we do.
“Keep in mind the change we’re making is not lowering standards. We’re saying we’re going to give you more flexibility to meet high standards." POTUS.
This is the type of speak easy doubletalk that sounds real flashy but doesn't really say much at all.
'No Child Left Behind' was implemented in the first place to insure that we didn't have students receiving diploma's that couldn't spell their names. The shortcoming of it was teachers weren't given the tools, and resources they needed to make that happen. Like so many other big government aspects, they give us the 'how', but not the 'what' to do it with. So test fudging, cutting out difficult subjects, and to use our eloquent leaders words, "dumbing down", becomes necessary so schools can get the money they desperately need to stay afloat, let alone produce a higher level of education. Which is failing miserably, because schools in most areas are closing left and right.
Dedicated educators know that the majority of the challenge of educating a child falls on the support unit of that child at home. No support at home and their job becomes nearly impossible to accomplish. This, by cause and effect, all comes back to the government stepping in, tar baby fashion, and trying to fix something that they themselves screwed up way back when they Dr. Spock'd our kids.
When they told parents we couldn't discipline them, hog tied the school deans, took a 'higher moral standard' out of school, and courts, with reference to religion, and started taking the partitions out of the bathrooms.
What you end up with is a moral, educational decay that produces boneheads that vote in a clown like this guy in the first place just because of the color of his skin, or because his party is diametrically opposite of what they 'considered was the problem for all their woes'. Without taking into consideration that nobody can really confirm where he came from, where he got his money, or where he was educated, and by whom. He won't produce his own diploma, yet he claims an expertise on the best way of achieving one.
Ironically, that lack of common sense was predicated by his party predecessors policies. Its classic snake-eating-its-tail syndrome. Liberals stepped in and told us we didn't have the sense to raise our kids, raised them for us, and now 'those kids' are supporting an administration that is drastically flawed, and becoming more so by the minute. One that would be better tasked with at least balancing their own budget, rather than trying to tell us how to teach our kids the three "R's".
Observing politics is like watching the monkey cage at the zoo. It's amusing to watch them throw their poop at each other, until some hits the fence.
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