The Cherokee Indians claim that the land has a soul. That it lives, and breaths with the pulse of the people that depend upon it for survival. Coming from a strong Cherokee background, and having lived, and worked, in 46 of the continental states, I believe this to be true. I also believe that God, that Great Spirit, created this earth, and all who dwell upon it. Jesus truthed that when He came back, the first time, it was for the purpose of that Holy Spirit to dwell among His people. This I believe as well. It's not a far cry for me to believe therefore, that the soul of this great land dwells in the heart of every person who loves her, calls her home, and cares for her.
And this I do. With great pride, and determination. And it grieves my heart to think that the soul of this land weeps for the lost integrity of her children.
An integrity that was birthed in the hearts of men determined to produce a nation where all men would have the chance for freedom, prosperity, and the pursuit of happiness. I firmly believe that although the means sometimes may have appeared questionable, the intention of these men to develop a free nation, remained pure.
It is sad to think this "pursuit of happiness" has been bastardized into a "pursuit of entitlements". It is reprehensible that laziness, and apathy on all our parts, has lead us to hire thugs, cutthroats, shysters, and downright liars to handle our representative and leadership affairs. And yet, it isn't my purpose here to complain about what we have let be done. For complaint, without input of a solution, is nothing but that...complaining. It is ineffective, serves no practical purpose, and in effect wastes time, and resources, that could be better spent elsewhere, correcting the original problem.
So here's the deal. Up until 9/11, I couldn't give a rat's ass who was POTUS. The closest I came to paying attention was in the early eighties when Reagan was my commander in chief while I was in the Marine Corps. I can count the number of times on one hand that I have voted for a president. I did my very best to "not pay attention" to anything political. "What", I would say, was the point? Nobody "up there" gave a rat's ass about me, mine or how it all affected me, why shouldn't I reciprocate?
But when Clinton took it under the table, I started paying attention. I mean, really? So I voted for Bush. And when the planes flew, I was damned glad I did. I don't think we've had a president since Reagan who would have had the moxy to do what he did. Unfortunately, he allowed some left wing armchair bandits to sway his resolve, and subsequently stopped short of the ultimate goal. Which should have been to completely destroy the enemies capability of waging war.
And now...I said, and now! We've got the current administration advocating a complete showing of the throat. They want us to give it up for head gear, prayer rugs, mosques on Broadway, five dollar gas, Christ out of our lives, kids with full body pat down searches, naked body xrays of old ladies and pin-up girls, taxes up the wazoo, hippies camping out in the parks, screaming "gimme, gimme!", foreign aide, foreign oil, foreign debt, and garden Nazis, of all things. Just what Is an American to do?
I'll tell you....hunker down and do what we always do. Fill a pipe, pack a breach, and wait till they're close enough to see the whites of their eyes. Why "wait"? First, because sometimes it's not always easy to identify the enemy. Although, in this case, that's becoming more clear as the days go by. Second, we can't afford to waste resources with "misses". Make every shot count. Lastly, when they drop, you want to be close enough to make sure its permanent. Like I said, we've been here .
But, here's the thing, "It isn't enough to just think about what must be done, we must "do" it. Be prepared though, because while the first may require only some effort, the second may cost you your very life." We've been there before as well.
Getting back to some solutions though, instead of just complaining.
Prior to this recent "paying attention" I mentioned above, I would have taken at face value just about anything anybody in the media said. I mean, really, we are brought up to believe those that lead, tell the truth. In my naivety, what the media presented as leaderships words, unless I had some sure fire way of personally refuting, I believed.
Unfortunately, like the tyrannical regimes of days gone past, that was self serving propaganda dealt out by monarchies, and dictatorships, for the ignorant masses. Masses who believed that just because some stuffed shirt living up on the mountain told them that they were a lesser person, it was true. Simply because that person "had", and they "had not".
But reformation does occur from time to time.
I recently read an article that compared the social networking tactics of Luther, a fifteenth century monks' distribution of his '95 thesis, to the effectiveness of our current day social networking. Luther, some of his printing press buddies, along with a hand full of like minded merchants, was able to distribute his thesis across Germany, and then all of Europe, in just a matter of weeks. This distribution of the gospel message to the "ignorant" masses, in a pamphlet form, enabled the message of equality in the Creators eyes, to be clearly preached to those that, previously, had been convinced by their "masters", that they were less than equal.
That knowledge, if you will follow the thread, lead to insurrection, revolution, reform, and eventually a Diaspora of like minded people, fed up with oppression, that fled the European continent, braved oceans, wilds, and weather, to populate a new land, fresh for equality. And there, they started this great nation, based on the principles of that Gospel.
This time, we're not leaving. We're gonna stay right here, hunker down, wait till we see the whites of their eyes, and stand our ground.
But first, we gotta get it together, together. And that's where the social networking comes back into play. Yesterday we were listening to a media that was telling us only what those that live on the hill wanted us to hear. And we were the dumber for it. Today, we're talking to each other on a minute by minute basis. We're hearing things from hometown Americana that we've long been lied to about. We're hearing back channel whispers about why things are happening, and when. And these things are bringing to mind cold hard facts about how we are being screwed by those charged with leading us through the quagmire of world politics. Not only are we being sold out for our leaderships personal gain, the heritage we've fought to protect for the last two hundred plus years is being thrown under the bus.
I don't want to be put on record for advocating blood in the streets...yet. For the wisdom of the ages says "give peace a chance", but when the benevolence of a caring people is mistaken for weakness, a boot in the ass is sometimes the only solution. As they say, "there's more ways than one to skin a cat".
An armed and educated populace is a dangerous one, for a government bent on tyranny. We've never been invaded from outside, and for the same reason. But through the insidious process of "boiling a frog", we are being lulled to sleep through luke warm theology, piss warm lies, and the mercury light warmth of socialist security. We are, in fact being slowly eroded from within by the very ones paid to protect us.
I'm thinking that's about to end...for the soul of the American land, the people that inhabit it, and the heart that beats within them both, in life, and in spirit, cries out for justice. A justice long locked out of it's courts, classrooms, and churches. A justice that just might be heralded in, not by trumpets, but by tweets..........
And this I do. With great pride, and determination. And it grieves my heart to think that the soul of this land weeps for the lost integrity of her children.
An integrity that was birthed in the hearts of men determined to produce a nation where all men would have the chance for freedom, prosperity, and the pursuit of happiness. I firmly believe that although the means sometimes may have appeared questionable, the intention of these men to develop a free nation, remained pure.
It is sad to think this "pursuit of happiness" has been bastardized into a "pursuit of entitlements". It is reprehensible that laziness, and apathy on all our parts, has lead us to hire thugs, cutthroats, shysters, and downright liars to handle our representative and leadership affairs. And yet, it isn't my purpose here to complain about what we have let be done. For complaint, without input of a solution, is nothing but that...complaining. It is ineffective, serves no practical purpose, and in effect wastes time, and resources, that could be better spent elsewhere, correcting the original problem.
So here's the deal. Up until 9/11, I couldn't give a rat's ass who was POTUS. The closest I came to paying attention was in the early eighties when Reagan was my commander in chief while I was in the Marine Corps. I can count the number of times on one hand that I have voted for a president. I did my very best to "not pay attention" to anything political. "What", I would say, was the point? Nobody "up there" gave a rat's ass about me, mine or how it all affected me, why shouldn't I reciprocate?
But when Clinton took it under the table, I started paying attention. I mean, really? So I voted for Bush. And when the planes flew, I was damned glad I did. I don't think we've had a president since Reagan who would have had the moxy to do what he did. Unfortunately, he allowed some left wing armchair bandits to sway his resolve, and subsequently stopped short of the ultimate goal. Which should have been to completely destroy the enemies capability of waging war.
And now...I said, and now! We've got the current administration advocating a complete showing of the throat. They want us to give it up for head gear, prayer rugs, mosques on Broadway, five dollar gas, Christ out of our lives, kids with full body pat down searches, naked body xrays of old ladies and pin-up girls, taxes up the wazoo, hippies camping out in the parks, screaming "gimme, gimme!", foreign aide, foreign oil, foreign debt, and garden Nazis, of all things. Just what Is an American to do?
I'll tell you....hunker down and do what we always do. Fill a pipe, pack a breach, and wait till they're close enough to see the whites of their eyes. Why "wait"? First, because sometimes it's not always easy to identify the enemy. Although, in this case, that's becoming more clear as the days go by. Second, we can't afford to waste resources with "misses". Make every shot count. Lastly, when they drop, you want to be close enough to make sure its permanent. Like I said, we've been here .
But, here's the thing, "It isn't enough to just think about what must be done, we must "do" it. Be prepared though, because while the first may require only some effort, the second may cost you your very life." We've been there before as well.
Getting back to some solutions though, instead of just complaining.
Prior to this recent "paying attention" I mentioned above, I would have taken at face value just about anything anybody in the media said. I mean, really, we are brought up to believe those that lead, tell the truth. In my naivety, what the media presented as leaderships words, unless I had some sure fire way of personally refuting, I believed.
Unfortunately, like the tyrannical regimes of days gone past, that was self serving propaganda dealt out by monarchies, and dictatorships, for the ignorant masses. Masses who believed that just because some stuffed shirt living up on the mountain told them that they were a lesser person, it was true. Simply because that person "had", and they "had not".
But reformation does occur from time to time.
I recently read an article that compared the social networking tactics of Luther, a fifteenth century monks' distribution of his '95 thesis, to the effectiveness of our current day social networking. Luther, some of his printing press buddies, along with a hand full of like minded merchants, was able to distribute his thesis across Germany, and then all of Europe, in just a matter of weeks. This distribution of the gospel message to the "ignorant" masses, in a pamphlet form, enabled the message of equality in the Creators eyes, to be clearly preached to those that, previously, had been convinced by their "masters", that they were less than equal.
That knowledge, if you will follow the thread, lead to insurrection, revolution, reform, and eventually a Diaspora of like minded people, fed up with oppression, that fled the European continent, braved oceans, wilds, and weather, to populate a new land, fresh for equality. And there, they started this great nation, based on the principles of that Gospel.
This time, we're not leaving. We're gonna stay right here, hunker down, wait till we see the whites of their eyes, and stand our ground.
But first, we gotta get it together, together. And that's where the social networking comes back into play. Yesterday we were listening to a media that was telling us only what those that live on the hill wanted us to hear. And we were the dumber for it. Today, we're talking to each other on a minute by minute basis. We're hearing things from hometown Americana that we've long been lied to about. We're hearing back channel whispers about why things are happening, and when. And these things are bringing to mind cold hard facts about how we are being screwed by those charged with leading us through the quagmire of world politics. Not only are we being sold out for our leaderships personal gain, the heritage we've fought to protect for the last two hundred plus years is being thrown under the bus.
I don't want to be put on record for advocating blood in the streets...yet. For the wisdom of the ages says "give peace a chance", but when the benevolence of a caring people is mistaken for weakness, a boot in the ass is sometimes the only solution. As they say, "there's more ways than one to skin a cat".
An armed and educated populace is a dangerous one, for a government bent on tyranny. We've never been invaded from outside, and for the same reason. But through the insidious process of "boiling a frog", we are being lulled to sleep through luke warm theology, piss warm lies, and the mercury light warmth of socialist security. We are, in fact being slowly eroded from within by the very ones paid to protect us.
I'm thinking that's about to end...for the soul of the American land, the people that inhabit it, and the heart that beats within them both, in life, and in spirit, cries out for justice. A justice long locked out of it's courts, classrooms, and churches. A justice that just might be heralded in, not by trumpets, but by tweets..........
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