So today Eric Holder was held "in contempt of Congress". If this were in court that might mean something. Contempt of Court at least means there is a fine levied that must be paid in leau of 10-30 days in jail. Here? It means virtually nothing, other than expressing the contempt that the United States Congress has for the DOJ's top law dog.
And now that B. Hussein Obama, King of America, has weighed in with his Executive Privilege, and that before the vote, it looks as though all of America (at least the civilized portion thereof) holds this administration in contempt as well.
But what of it? From what I understand there is no real penalty for being held in contempt of congress. Just the ramification that the legislative branch of the government thinks you're a heal. And given that this has got to have been thought out way before this, to wit the stonewalling, the contempt charge, and lastly the rope thrown by El Hefe', it's really a spit ball in the face of America by Obama's socialist agenda.
I mean, really. What's gonna happen now? Holder has straight faced lied, omitted, or otherwise bullshitted us all the way through this Fast and Furious drama. They knew up front what they were doing, knew it might, could and probably would, in some sense or another, blow up in their face, and yet here we are. The deal went down, over a year of hearings, demands for documents, justice and just plain answers, and we know nothing. With El Hefe's imperial seal now firmly affixed to the safe holding all those documents, we will probably never know exactly what happened. And you know something? I think that this is all part of the plan.
These guys are playing tug of war with a rotten rope and knowing all along that there is a greater than not chance that it will break. They are prepared for the obvious results. Unfortunately, no one else is. Leaving Brian Terry and the two hundred Mexican souls dead and the rest of America sitting here on our asses bawling "foul!"
So here we sit. Congress has Holder in contempt but we already know that carries no heat. Obama has taken on the mantle of Holders Hero, and saved his bacon at the eleventh hour, but that doesn't necessarily implicate him in any wrong doing, legally that is. I think it will definitely play a big role in his popularity show from here on out, but I don't know that he really cares what the common Americans perspective of him is.
Here's what I'm thinking. I've said this before and I'll say it again. One of two scenarios is being played out here. This is devil be damned, "bang it till it bleeds" crap, with these guys just pushing everything to the limit with the whole gangsta-in-yo-face-what-ya-gonna-do-bout-it attitude and daring the American people to do something, and hoping with all their bluster it will work. Or, they have such a rotten plan up their sleeve they just don't care what people think of this in comparison to what is next.
I'm personally leaning toward the later. There is just no way that my mind can wrap itself around this being just a lame assed presidents antics. I mean, we've had bad presidents before. Some who pulled some pretty crazy crap on the American people. But I don't recall any who could compare to Barry. This is street thug antics here. Do whatever you want regardless of how repulsive, uncivilized or outrageous it is. I think most Americans opposed to him are standing there slack jawed thinking "there is just no way he did that!" But its true, he did.
Those that do favor him are just as surprised, but in a morbid sort of fashion. Like the looky loo's standing on the street below yelling "jump" to the man on the ledge. Filled with morbid curiosity to see what he's gonna do next. I don't think they really support what he's doing so much as they are just thrilled to see someone do something so outrageous. I also don't think they are thinking far enough ahead to see what damage to this country he can inflict, if they even care. Which is really the central theme of the liberal left. As long as I get mine, who gives a damn what happens to anyone else.
I don't have any respect for this president, and I certainly don't have any respect for those who are too self centered, egotistical, or full of pride to turn off the support for him even after witnessing what they know to be immoral, if not illegal behavior. He is running this country into the ground and, like I said, its for either one of two reasons. To use and abuse it while he's in the drivers seat, or he's just the chauffeur, and someone even worse is sitting in the back seat driving it into the ground. One far more evil, intelligent and insidious than Barry. In any case, O has to go. And the sooner the better.
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