I told him not to keep all that savvy to himself...and he hasn't...read on.
So I'm watching the news and listening to some liberal, candy assed, big mouth, girly man go on about how I don't need my guns. About how people in general don't need guns. About how most burglars don't enter occupied homes, they typically only enter empty ones. As if our only problem in this country was petty thieves!
This kind of stupid is everywhere these days! So you morons who believe this kind of crap, take comfort in this...they most likely won't use guns to exterminate you. What they'll do is save their bullets for the thinkers. They'll save them for those of us who have the ability to reason and pose a genuine threat to their agenda. The rest of you candy asses will be pushed like sheep into the most economical demise divisible.
But dumb dumbs, put this in your pipe and smoke it....the stupid will NOT do my thinking and decision making....nor will they tell me I can't be a man and protect my family by whatever means necessary.
Everyone I personally know is maintaining their composure during this liberal shit storm in the best interest of peace....but growing increasingly agitated.
You liberal candy asses are poking at a sleeping lion....and when he wakes up, he's gonna be pissed.
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