There we will gather to grieve for this great nation for a while. And then we will get down to business.
I have a smart bunch, they are all well versed and even tempered. Though my daughter and I probably share more of the same temperament, and are likely the most effected by this situation, we all share a love for this country rivaled by few.
My two youngest sons, 18 and 21, had both considered joining the military. I had hopes they would become Marines, and follow in my footsteps, but it wasn't so important which branch they decided on, as that they were satisfied with the decision. However after watching our direction this last couple of years, I cautioned them on joining until after we saw what was going to happen with this election. And, now much to my relief, I'm glad we waited. I'd not want them to have this charlatan as their CIC. I served under Reagan, and couldn't have been prouder, but I hold no regard, and less respect, for the empty chair. They can better serve our country by my side.
We're going to meet this Sunday night, in one of our homes instead of in public, so we can speak freely about what we now know we need to do, and where none will have to place our back to an untrustworthy public.
We'll come up with a serious plan in the event the switch gets flipped, and I'll get a bit more intense about doing some training on repelling the wolves who will eventually be coming to the door.
My wife, my daughter and the boys will schedule to have concealed carry training and we'll plan on all brushing up on their marksmanship. It's that serious.
We'll game plan about what we can do economically to ride out the storm, and what we can do realistically to fight back against those who pay-rolled this heist. Namely our friendly media groups. We'll figure out which products are acceptable to buy, which aren't, and what we'll do to recreate and where.
We'll put together a plan to shield the babies against the worst of what might occur, and how we can best protect them from the future that is sure to come.
Once we've done all that, we'll gather around the table, hold each other's hands, and pray that God brings a revival to this troubled land. For it is surely broken, and only He can fix it. There are only two things I'm sure of....God has a plan, and I haven't the foggiest idea what it is.
So we'll pray, and we'll wait, and we'll listen for some direction from Him. In the meantime, there are some things that common sense tells us that can be done. Those we'll do.
I have a raging heart right now, not only for the wrong that has been done by a faltering and feckless leadership, but also for the apathy and self centering's of the people of this country who brought that on.
We have become a nation of takers without thought of the source, or the resources that we destroy in the process. I did what I thought was enough over the last year by engaging, mostly through social networking, but also by face to face conversations, with people about what I thought was the right thing to do. I fought with my eldest son about accepting the tainted silver offered. It appears that few, including him, listened to what was being said.
Whether they believe it or not, like gravity ensuring the apple hits the ground, a price will be paid for this election. A pity those of us who fought so hard to prevent it will still pay the price for those who encouraged it, but pay we will.
There will be little time in the future for whining about what has come to be, so we must get our grieving over soon, and move ahead.
I became a Marine at 20, I still am today, I have never renounced my oath to this country. I've spent a lifetime instilling in my family that sense of pride and patriotism...so they need no prodding now.
We will pray, we will plan, we will protect....and we will persevere. So help us God.
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