Then, not only will we that know how to work, fight, and survive, have to feed them, clothe them, and see to their health, we'll have to step around them as they stand dumbfounded, less than useless in the middle of the street as we go about the business of fighting to regain what they have given away in their lazy, self centered greed.
We called them zombies during the electoral campaign for mindlessly following the scripted rhetoric dished out to them by a bought and paid for media. Now they truly will be the walking dead. Because in a generation, when the taxed can no longer pay, and the government feed trough is thus barren, their starving masses will line the turgid streets begging for the morsel that just won't be there.
The greatest irony however, is this. That same media that kept them in the dark about the criminally negligent and incompetent actions of this puppet government they voted in place, has kept from them this devastatingly simple fact as well, the government doesn't care anymore for the liberal left, than it does for the middle or the right. So while the government will have to expend millions of stockpiled 9mm pistol rounds in attempting to exterminate those of us who will resist them and fight the coming war, all they have to do is stand back and watch the lapdogs that voted them into office starve because they're now second, third and sometimes fourth generation sheep dependant on the government for everything they have, or need. All the tyrannical dictator has to do at this point is cut off the spigot.
What will then ensue is a political, social storm like those seen preceding WWll. Citizens of the inner cities will be screaming for agencies like FEMA to come bail them out. What they don't know is that, as you can plainly see by their efforts during Sandy, FEMA isn't really tasked with storm support, of any kind. What it has actually been put into place for is to manage this useless chattel in camps until they can be disposed of via the thousands of cattle cars lining railroad track spurs throughout the deep mid west.
The most obvious plan is for the warrior elite to die on the battlefield, the serf born peasants to die of starvation and disease, and for the cream of the socialist crop to reap the spoils of war. In less than a generation the United States will be stripped of power and turned into one vast government farm. Like Detroit, the inner cities will spoil and decay until they too are turned into farmland or house the people that do survive who will be used as labor on the vast farms implemented to "distribute" resources to the rest of the starving world. Socialism will be complete.
That's the plan anyhow. It won't work though. And it won't work because God won't let it. America is a two hundred and fifty year experiment in democracy and freedom, that while sorely tested on occasion, is peopled by citizens who've learned a few things in those years. Today she has strayed away from her God, and is now paying the price for it. But look at this. The people who strayed are the weakest for it. And though we'll have to fight tooth and nail to get it back, those that caused the slide into hell will be the first to suffer and parish.
In Biblical history, God allowed the tribe of Israel to wander in the wilderness for forty years in order to weed out the hard hearted and faithless, those dependant on Pharaoh. It wasn't until a generation died and those left lost that dependency, only then gaining the realization that Pharaoh couldn't and wouldn't save them, that they turned their eyes and hearts back to God.
He may do no less for America.
A last thought. You may read the heart of this epitaph and have thought to yourself while reading it, that I am a hard hearted, cynical soul. Devoid of any grace or charity, and certainly not Christ like in my delivery. That's okay, I can accept that. I'll even turn the other cheek to the contempt you may feel towards me for writing it. But in the end know this. Sometimes tough love is the only love you're gonna get. If we as a people had expressed some tough love to our friends, family and associates over the years behind us, we might not be in the fix we're in for the years ahead. Patrick Swayze said in his "Road House" character.."There's a time to be nice, and then there's a time to not be nice". Now would be the later... and it's time to look to your own.
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