Saturday, June 30, 2012

The first Yelp!

I think that in the coming days you will find the ire and resolve of working, tax paying Americans has been raised to a fever pitch. Yes, WE have been complacent. WE have had our collective heads in the sand for generations. Allowing a representative bunch to speak for us while we lived our lives. The fruit of that complacency now stares us in the face. However, with the implementation of Barry's Ofarce, and the realization that SCROTUS does not have our backs, the Independant heart of America will rise up, in forceful yet peaceful protest, and take back this still great nation. They just kicked the biggest frickin dog on the planet...The God loving, blue collar, tax paying, gun toting backbone of America and the free world. Resolve is a powerful weapon in the hands of a righteous man...

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